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Society of St. Vincent de Paul

St. Francis de Sales
6610 Balmoral Street
Burnaby, BC V5E 1J1

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is: “To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.” Vincentians see Christ in anyone who suffers; come together as a family; have personal contact with the poor; help in all possible ways. Often these visitations happen weekly at homes of the poor and marginalized or at different community facilities.

Christmas Hampers 2023

October 2023

Thank you for your generous donations in the past. Donations can be placed in the box at the entrance of the church or dropped off to the parish office. The gift cards can be put in the offertory collection baskets at weekend Masses.

We are requesting for the following items:

Coffee, tea, canned meat (ham and chicken only), canned fish (tuna and salmon only), pasta sauce, breakfast cereal (e.g., Cheerios, instant oatmeal packets like Quaker oats or healthy cereal for kids), Kraft dinner, peanut butter, canned fruit, packet juices, jam, mayonnaise, canned corn, baked beans, canned spaghetti, ravioli, chili, stew, snack bars, instant noodles, canned & packaged soups, crackers, hot chocolate.

Hampers will be distributed on December 2nd.

Individuals/families in need residing in South Burnaby can contact the parish office at 604-434-1328 until November 26th.

Thank you!

December 2022

Thank you Sharlet, Celina, Ernie, Maria, Susanna, Raunak, all those connected to our Society of St. Vincent de Paul and EVERYONE at SFDS who made this year's Christmas hamper campaign such a charitable success.  

Around 60 large hampers have been (and are still being) distributed to families and individuals in great need.  You and your fellow parishioners donated a substantial amount of food + 134 gift cards with a total value exceeding $4000.  With the support of Couples for Christ and our Knights of Columbus, our St. Vincent de Paul Society did a bang up job!  With our prayers blending with our charitable work, we're allowing that Light of Christ to shine brightly in the homes of so many of our neighbours.  Hats off to you all !!

Photo from the event: